We have provided resources below!

What you should know about COVID-19 & Sickle Cell Disease

We want to make sure that you are aware of the information and resources that are available to our sickle cell warriors. Please make sure you visit our site frequently for any updates.

What you should know about COVID-19


We have volunteers making masks for our warriors and their families and we will mail you your masks upon your request as supplies last. If you are a sickle cell warrior or a caregiver of a sickle cell warrior living in South Carolina and your family is in need of masks, please contact us

thanks from warrior
woman making mask
different color mask
masks inside zip lock plastic
hand maid face masks
black adult woman
black teenage girl

Empowering Sickle Cell Warriors: Respond to Our Survey

Thanks to a grant and donations, Midlands Gives 2020, we are able to and currently seeking to purchase additional items that our sickle cell warriors need. If you are a sickle cell warrior or a caregiver of a sickle cell warrior, please complete the following survey to identify other items needed during this time of COVID-19 concerns. 

pepsi co


We are thankful for our sponsors for their generous donations that allows us to provide support to our sickle cell warriors and their families during COVID19. Our local Pepsi Bottling Company donated cases of water and Gatorade for our families. Hydration is so important to our sickle cell warriors and this will help support this need. Thank you, Pepsi.

GBT logo


We are thankful to Global Blood Therapeutics for all that they do in support of sickle cell disease. We were a recipient of a grant from GBT which allows us to provide masks and the replenishment of cleaning supplies and other necessities.